Sunday, April 27, 2008

A lil bit of everything

Hey everyone!!!
How's uni?

Anyhows, just before I upload pictures from all around IMU, Finale Night and Variety Night, I'd like everyone to know about the DENTAL DINNER that will be held on the 9th of May.

MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS before doing anything else!!!


Date: 9th of May 2008 (1 day after DS1 exam.. how exciting)
Time: 8pm-10pm
Venue: T.G.I Fridays @ Sunway Pyramid

and yes it's only for dental peeps, but medical students, hold on there's another event for you guys to attend (READ BELOW). T.G.I Fridays cannot accomodate 270 med students + 47 dental students in their restaurant. Anyways please please please please please remember to R.S.V.P or let me know in person when you see me in IMU. You MUST R.S.V.P for the dinner so that I can reserve us some nice seats, or else they might chuck us at some corner :(

How to R.S.V.P?
You can go to Facebook and do it under events. I may not have invited EVERYONE cus there's a high possibility that not everyone in dentistry is on Facebook or is friends with me on Facebook. Another way is that you can let me know in person (This is a big big prob, I'm taking this Wed till next Mon off due to certain personal issues) but you can always let Lydia know OR you could email me at OR you could call me if you know my number OR you could leave a comment on this post right here.

WHY should you go?
Cus it's Friday and anything can happen on Friday plus you'll get to be featured on the next picture post which I'll update the next time and who knows, you could be famous!!! (only in IMU) Also cus I'm going!! :) tehehehe Anyways I picked T.G.I Fridays cus we're doing the dinner thing on Friday. Geddit?? Geddit?? ok NVM.... Also, cus of the good food :)

Yum yum.. well this was from Paddington's but you get my point right???


Date: 9th & 10th of May 2008
Time: 10pm-ish till 3am the next day
Venue: Barcelona @ Sunway Pyramid

This event is open for everyone, including the medical students. So don't call me a prejudice. I'm sure Barcelona can accomodate heaps of ppl since majority of the clubbers will be in PD enjoying it with TIESTO!! This is so dam unfair!! I want to go too, anyways yes.. call me or anyone you know that's going once you're there. Or you could email me or let me know or leave a comment here to let me know if you're coming for the after party ok. BTW you can bring along your non IMU friends as well, it doesn't really matter. Just DON'T DRINK & DRIVE!!! VERY IMPORTANT. Please remember that as I would love to see you again on Monday the 12th of May.

Why should you go?
Cus you'll have so much fun!!!!

Just like us! during Azra's birthday over the weekend. We'll heave 100000 times more fun if many many many ppl show up and many many many pictures to view at on this blog.

OK that's all... now I shall upload the pictures!! :)

Medical Museum

Kar Mun and her best friend, the skull, Amos, Warren & Joshua.

Bersama-sama Mei Ting and a long bone... I reckon it's the humerus... Long bone = tulang panjang. Humerus= tak tau..

That red book there's my 2nd bible, the MEDICAL DICTIONARY!!

With super cute Mei Ting! I think Warren has issues with the 2 of us taking pics. First he ruined it with the long bone and now he had to "squeeze" MT's cute face.

Variety Night & Finale Night.

The theme for Finale Night was Mafia. Right? I'm right, right?
Oh and I left the caption as it is during like.. er.. well that day when I blogged bout it from my blog. I'd like to leave it cus there were so many "I dono who this fella is" and all those kindda stuff, but hey.. at least now I know most of them. For example, now I know that Barney's Benedict, Asparagus' Wei Phin and Digiman's Zaeem!!

I'm colouring!!! @ Kyan's house, helping him to make his chicken costume.

I'm CC. Dono who made this... but yea.. lols.

Group 5

With Joshua the bunny from group I dono wat...

Proud chicken

Soo kawaii

Got asparagus also. Till now I have no idea who is that fella under those shades. I was like, "heyyy what are u???" Then he said asparagus and he posed for me.

Very sexy tulip. Hahaha. (until now I still have no idea who he is but I've seen him around lectures)

Everyone wants to be prince of the wild.


Kyan as the chicken, Benedict as Barney the dinosaur and I forgot who (he told me like a gagillion times but I keep forgetting) as a peacock. (Till now I still can't remember his name)

Kristal as Xena the Warrior Princess.


Prince of the wild (POTW)

The hamster's so cute! (I can still remember Geoh Soon saying "I'm hot, sexy & desperate" when we were suppose to vote for our batch reps and e.t.c)

Cam-whoring while watching the group performances.

Look! Digi man

PPG. So cute.. oh my I just realised something.. but anyways.. the girl in the middle was the girl who took ISAT with me last June or was it July? When I came back to KL during my 2 week break. Anyways I totally didn't know.. till she told me on Sat night when we were at the candy bar in the cinema. Such a small world huh!!

Do I still need to explain this one? I think you all get it right?

So cute!!

Finale Night

With Group 5

With lovely Su Anne.

With Gajen and Kyan

and pop came Azra!

There was a band performance and a dance performance. One of our batch mates, Jade also went up on stage to sing. Her singing was superb!!

Digiman appears again.

With Szu May and Amanda

Pei San, Warren, Me, Jo Ann & Esther (who's also from Adelaide).

The poor girl who got blocked's Jasmine if I am not wrong and the fella that blocked her is Koon Hau, I think. It's ok la.. I call him and his friend twin towers, cus they are both sooooooo tall.

With Manlo who's from HK. He doesn't remember me.. well I think he does now but I mean we introduced each other during Finale Night but I guess he forgot who I was so he asked me for my name again during cheerleading practice -_-" hahaha.. *heart ache*

With Warren (alliteration!!)

With Robyn, had my interview with her and this other girl whom I've never seen since.

Following Digi man for Maxis connection.

Azra, Jade, Kristal, Mira and I.

With Uncle Tomomo.

Cool shirt right?

Random Pictures

Hope you all enjoyed it, now it's time to move on to.... random pictures taken on the 4th floor of IMU. My fav. photo taking place. Why? It's spacious, wide and it's BRIGHT!!! No need to use flash.

This one's taken last Friday during the Foosball welcoming party. We had KFC btw.

With Ashwini Chandrasaken (hope I spelt it right). I know it's amazing that I managed to remember her name, well it's cus my OO made me memorise her brother's name and sur name as well cus they're the ones from Station 12 during the er... what was it again, RIGHT the Treasure Hunt Orientation Event.

With Mira

With Kristal

With Ho Ching

"fighting" Wonder what they're fighting for.. a boy?? hmmm lols.. j.k!!

With Yoke San & Su Anne

With Ley Yow

With Jun Ai


With Tallan and Alethea. BTW today's Tallan's birthday. Happy birthday!!!!!

With Ka Mun, Wei Jun & Amy

With Jo Ann

With Mei Ting, Jo Ann & Natalie.

Oh bugger, I wish there were more pictures, but that's all of the random pictures that I have for now and I didn't really take it with everyone.. but oh wells there's always a next time!

Oh wait.. I still have 2 more!!! 1st day of uni. That's right, the very first day we officially stepped into IMU as IMU students. I only have pictures for the medical batch, not the dental one, SORRY!!

Everyone looking smart!!

Ok that's all. Leave me a comment to let me know whether or not you like it and whether or not you'd like me to post up pictures from my group's track trip and e.t.c, as well as other outings... Like Azra's Birthday and the other dinner thing we had with Group 5. OK that's all, don't forget to R.S.V.P. Once again my email add's and please please please do attend the dental dinner and the after party. Please say you'll come!! Don't break my heart by telling me that you can't make it!!!

Heaps of love,
Cecilia Y.